Saturday 14 May 2011


Comprehensive guide to various physical, mental and developmental disabilities and rehabilitation. Throughout the world, there are millions of people who have some form of emotional, mental, or physical handicap that can limit their activities to varying degrees. The terms disabled and differently abled are both preferable terms to the outdated term handicapped. Disabilities can be the result of accidents, resulting in paralysis, brain damage, etc., while some people are born with such afflictions as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, blindness, etc. This guide offers disability facts, statistics, information and resources on a list of disabilities covering several mental, physical, and emotional handicaps and the necessary assessment, treatment for people with disabilities, and advocacy of it in both public and private arenas. Disability facts and information for parents of children with physical disabilities and medical issues. Disability resources to learn about accessibility, disabled assistance, developmental and learning disabilities in physically handicapped children, disabilities rights and parenting kids with disabilities.

List of Disabilities

    * Developmental Disabilities
          o ADD/ADHD
          o Asperger Syndrome
          o Autism
          o Down syndrome
          o Dyslexia
    * Mental Disabilities
          o Alzheimer's Disease
          o Anxiety Disorder
          o Bipolar Disorder
          o Depression
          o Dyscalculia
          o Learning Disabilities
          o Memory Loss
          o Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
          o Phobia
                + Acrophobia
                + Agoraphobia
                + More in List of Phobias
          o Schizophrenia
          o More in Types of Mental Illness - List of Mental Disorders
    * Physical Disabilities
          o Visual Impairment
                + Blindness
                + Blurred Vision
                + Cataract
                + Color Blindness
          o Hearing Impairment
                + Hearing Loss
                + Meniere's Disease
                + Tinnitus (Ringing In the Ears)
          o Mobility Impairment
                + Arthritis
                      # Rheumatoid Arthitis (RA)
                      # Osteoarthritis
                + Cerebral Palsy
                + Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
                + Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
                + Paralysis
                + Parkinson's Disease
                + Stroke
          o Head Injury
                + Traumatic Brain Injury
          o Chronic Illnesses
                + Asthma
                + Cancer
                + Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
                + Diabetes
                + Hypoglycemia
                + HIV AIDS
                + Renal Failure
                + Tuberculosis (TB)
    * Other Disabilities
          o Substance Abuse / Addictions
                + Alcohol Addiction
                + Drug Addiction
                + Nicotine Addiction

Types of Skin Cancer - Melanoma Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer:
Skin cancer is caused due to the malfunctioning and uncontrolled growth of a cell on the lining of skin. Change in color/appearance of skin or development of sores (which do not heal) is a clear indication of possible skin cancer.

Melanoma Skin Cancer: This is the most severe type of skin cancer. It starts from the skin cells named melanocytes, which are responsible for production of melanin (Melanin is a substance that gives our skin its color and also protects our skin cells from ultraviolet rays). Once we come into direct contact with ultra-violet rays, our skin cells (melanocytes) start producing more melanin, this causes tanning of our skin. If we stay in contact with ultra-violet rays for longer time, the melanocytes may start malfunctioning and grow abnormally. This growth can lead to cancer and is called melanoma.

Who is at risk of developing melanoma?
People who come into direct contact of too much of ultra-violet radiation, people having problem with the melanin production, and those who are fair-skinned and have light colored eyes (it has been recorded that melatocytes in fair-skinned people fail to produce sufficient quantity of melanin pigments, hence less protection against harmful UV rays), people with skin problems and those who have hereditary skin problems are at high risk of developing melanoma. Also people who have large number of moles on skin, people with weakened immune system and those who have blistering sunburns on their skin etc. are at high risk of developing melanoma.

What are symptoms of melanoma?
You should consult your doctor if you witness any of the following symptoms:
1) Spots on the skin those grow in size and never heal, multicolored in nature
2) Moles those keep on growing and start itching and change in color or texture (such unusual moles are also known as dysplastic nevi)
3) Bleeding sores those grow and last for longer time (about a month or more) and re-appear after getting healed.
4) For men, generally moles, spots and sores develop on the outer skin such as face, hands etc. whereas for women they grow underneath their palms or fingernails & toenails.

Types of melanoma:
There are four types of melanoma:
Superficial Spreading Melanoma (SSM): This is a most common type of melanoma cancer. It takes about a year or more to spread through the upper skin when it is in its first phase called radial phase. During the first phase, it spreads horizontally and is less threatening. During the second phase, it starts growing vertically making it more dangerous of two phases and hard to treat.

Nodular Melanoma (NM): This type of melanoma appears very rapidly and is considered to be the most deadliest/dangerous of the four types. The direction of this cancer is upward and inward through the skin and body, which makes it more intense and deadly. It generally appears on the legs, arms, head and neck area in light skinned people.

Acral Lentigous Melanoma (ALM): This type of cancer is common in people with dark skin and it starts appearing on nails, palms etc. This type of melanoma is also aggressive in nature, by the time we can diagnose it, it reaches its advanced stage. This type of cancer starts growing across the skin and then it penetrates in the skin.

Lentigo Maligna Melanoma (LMM): People of age group 65 and above are generally prone to develop LMM which is also a least common of all the four melanomas. This cancer targets nose and cheeks and spreads very slowly across the skin. This type of cancer is least threatening and does not spread across the body or other tissues.

How melanoma is diagnosed?
In most of the cases melanoma can be diagnosed simply by examining the infected area (it includes self-examination and examination performed by doctor). This is further accompanied by tests such as Epiluminescence Microscopy and sentinel lymph node biopsy etc.

Treatment of melanoma:
Similar to any other types of cancers, melanoma treatment also involves surgery (in which the tumor and infected tissues from surrounding area are removed), immunotherapy (in which patient is given immune-stimulating chemical (interferon) to help strengthen immune system and fight cancer), chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. Some vaccines are also currently under trial to help destroy cancer tumors and help patient’s immune system to fight the cancer.

Types of Leukemia

ced at a much higher rate than normal cells, resulting in many abnormal white blood cells in the blood. Chronic leukemia mostly occurs in older people, but can theoretically occur in any age group.

Whereas acute leukemia must be treated immediately, chronic forms are sometimes monitored for some time before treatment to ensure maximum effectiveness of therapy.

Furthermore, the diseases are classified according to the type of abnormal cell found most in the blood.

When leukemia affects lymphoid cells (lymphocytes and plasma cells), it is called lymphocytic leukemia.

Causes of Leukemia:
The causes of Leukemia are not defined in general, as the causes of leukemia are different for different types of Leukemia. Researchers have strong suspicions about four possible causes:
i) natural or artificial ionizing radiation
ii) certain kinds of chemicals
iii) some viruses
iv) genetic predispositions

Regular and unprotected exposure to some chemicals can lead to the development of leukemia. However, exposure to chemicals while on the job is the cause of the leukemia. Persons with Down syndrome are also at a greater risk of developing leukemia than the general public. Anyone who has received chemotherapy treatments as treatment for another form of cancer is also much more likely to develop leukemia than a person who has never received chemotherapy treatments. Persons who suffer with the blood disease known as Myelodysplastic syndrome may also find themselves with a diagnosis of leukemia as a natural progression of their condition.

The leukemia specialist will determine the specific type of leukemia that has developed. It is easier to evaluate overall health conditions which come up with a leukemia treatment program that will be right for the leukemia patient. Radiation therapy may be determined to be the best leukemia treatment. For the next person, biological therapy may be seen as the right leukemia treatment.

The main cause of leukemia is the exposure to very high levels of radiation. However, radiation exposure at a nuclear reactor or being exposed to the massive amount of radiation released when an atomic bomb explodes definitely is linked to leukemia.

The fact of the Leukemia is that the viruses have also been linked to some forms of leukemia. Fanconi anemia is also a risk factor for developing leukemia. Until the cause or causes of leukemia are found, there is no way to prevent the disease. Even when the causes become known, they may prove to be things which are not readily controllable, such as naturally occurring background radiation, and therefore not especially helpful for prevention purposes.